Sarofsky 2023 Pride T-shirt
I had the great opportunity to design and screenprint t-shirts for Sarofsky during June 2023. It was a huge learning process but I love how they came out. And they were ready to wear for the Chicago pride parade!
Initial Sketches

Selects and Style Development
Digital and Physical Mockups

I printed the t-shirts using Speedball screenprinting ink in the office during our Pride party. The pride logomark was printed as a holographic sticker (seen here on my bike).
I was a little too busy to take photos day-of but we made a video about it (of course).
Here's my own shirt one year later with only a little fading!

Designer & Screen Printer
Producer & Screen Printing Assistant
Party Planner
X-Acto Knife Assistants
Videographer & Photographer
Print Materials supplied by
Mollie Davis
Kelsey Hynes
Davis Cameron Chu
Lirio Ramirez & Meezahn Senbetta
Jesus Diaz